10 things you should know about sensory theater
If you like theater but you want something different than traditional plays, here you can read more about sensory theater. If you’ve never heard about it, here are 10 things you should know before going. The experience can be surprising and it will certainly be unique.

Sensory theater is a theater without a stage. The spectators have their own experience. They usually go one by one through a series of artistic interactions that take place in different spaces. A kind of labyrinth in which the audience is active and turns into a co-creator of the performance.
The plot is not based on fixed dramaturgy, as in classical theater, but everyone invents their own dramaturgy according to their own perceptions and interpretations. There is no text or person to state: that’s the plot.
It involves all the senses: smell, touch, hearing, vision, taste. You can find yourselves in a completely dark place or you can get blindfolded. This method activates the other senses, rather than vision, provokes unexpected emotions and can eventually turn you towards your inner world.
Uses symbols and archetypes. Speaks the language of the unconscious. Has a deep impact and that’s why you can often hear about its therapeutic effect. But it is not an artistic therapy.
It is surprising. It has elements of different art forms: dance, photography, pantomime, visual arts, music, etc. Different aesthetics are intertwined in it. The performance can start from a common place – some kitchen, for example. While you’re having a regular conversation with the house lady (an actress) and you reach for the milk from the fridge, you can find yourselves in a pure bright tunnel where you’ll dance with a surrealistic bird (an actress). The boundaries are blurred. Your curiosity is your leader.
Apartments, streets, old public bathrooms, museums, vaults, storehouses, parks… A theater without a building. A theater that exposes the buildings that it inhabits in an unusual way. Its inspirations are their history, architecture and context. We perceive them as living books. A palimpsest whose secret we reveal, together with the audience.
We create it during a group creative process. Each member of our team contributes with their own ideas and talent. The leader of the process complies with the course and is aware of the compass and the navigational system. A beautiful exchange and movement between the individual and the collective, and balance – fragile as glass and strong as а spider web.
Sensory theater was born a long time ago in the Colombian coffee plantations as a child’s play, created by Enrique Vargas (b. 1940, theater director, dramaturg, teacher and anthropologist). Who would think that years later, this labyrinth of little sensory gifts among the roots of the trees, will develop to the extent of receiving the UNESCO award for a new theatrical language?
It has existed in Bulgaria for almost 20 years. It started among the forests of Papaz Chaír and Bela Rechka and gradually entered the cities of Plovdiv and Sofia. The Welsh theater director Iwan Brioc came to Bulgaria, invited by BIVEDA association, and trained the first artists.
There are several existing Bulgarian organizations: “Sensory Тheater Sofia”, “Sensory theater Labyrinth – Periskop”, the “Atelier Plastelin” crew, “Doseg” and of course we, Inner Theater Company.