⸺ Who are we?
We are the creators of a different theatrical form – we call it the Inner Theater. We paint on the boundaries of the arts – images of the unknown, of what’s hidden between the words, of what’s invisible for the eyes. We open portals between reality and fiction in the area of the moment. We act upon all senses, involve the audience and leave a lasting mark in their mind. We are peculiar alchemists in search of the transformation that would unlock the heart.
⸺ We create productions, performances, experiences, art installations, trainings and unexpected new forms of theatrical art.
⸺ We develop and explore the possibilities of sensory, immersive and interactive theater.
⸺ We work in different contexts and spaces, look for the secret stories in them and unlock the potential of the different environments and settings.
⸺ We are pioneers in creating sensory and immersive performances, labs and training in a digital environment in Bulgaria.
⸺ We discover and accomplish artistic resolutions in favour of the work of different teams and businesses.
⸺ We build long-term partnership relations with local and foreign organizations.
We are a multidisciplinary team of artists and professionals from different spheres, united by:
Higher value and state of mind that inspire all aspects of our art and existence.
Starting point and navigational system for our creative energy.
The key to the deep and vulnerable aspects of human nature.
The safe space of an authentic meeting.
The kaleidoscope that reveals our purpose.
The potential to get together to the place where no one can get on their own.
The territory beyond the horizon and the possibility that theater goes beyond what is foreseeable.
The root that holds time together.
⸺ Team
Our team is comprised of artists and professionals from different fields of art and humanitarian studies: directors, actors, choreographers, dancers, performance artists, painters, photographers, video artists, scenographers, graphic designers, architects, musicians, psychologists and cultural scientists.
The heart of the company
Gabriela Petrova
Director, creative process leader, artist, trainer and facilitator. Visionary and initiator who moves between flame and dust.
Inspired by the elusive notions and sensations that lead her to the creation of their shared manifestation. Business consultant and corporate trainer who believes art is strength and mission. Her purpose is to let art penetrate all life tissues so that life’s unsuspected potential can be revealed. Co-founder and COO of Fifty Seas BV – a Dutch company for electric yachts built in Bulgaria.

Ana Valcheva
Actress, performer, creative process leader and trainer. Incurable idealist who believes in art’s potential to widen mind and rationalize existence. She likes to explore boundaries and to displace them a little bit.
Her artistic development is in the field of sensory and interactive theater, mask and forum theater. She conducts creative trainings for children and adolescents from different social groups.
Milena Stanojevic
Director, performer, trainer, facilitator, actress. Discoverer of invisible threads, owner of the incredible ability to centre, swirl and poeticize time, space and events. She treads lightly and laughs loudly.
TED Talk speaker, creator of appliances for immersive and sensory theatrical practices for youth inclusion and youth workers in European context. She is passionate and looks for ways for deep connections through art.

Sasha Hadjieva
Performer, director, visual artist and designer. Seeker of answers, prone to journeys. Interested in hybrid art forms, facing in person each spectator and the transformative potential of these meetings.
Her artistic experience includes performance, cinema, contemporary dance forms, theater and work with diverse visual media. She likes to play with the fabric of human relationships, the subjective essence of things, the concepts of time, truth, imagination. She perceives art in all its different forms as a means for waking up from the “sleep of reality and being”.